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- The D-line set a strong tone up front and the defense on the whole dominated. This is a very good thing and i hope that they are starting to develop an attitude that represents a silver bullet defense.
- The kicking game looked very solid and at least that's one less thing to worry about.
- We won. We won at home. We took care of business. I'm stretching here I really thought there was some other good stuff but nothing really stands out.
- 5 fucking turnovers? is that serious? 5 turnovers against anyone and you are lucky to win.
- The O-line. Their play was better but I still don't see Boone or Rehring dominating the way they should be. I think song of the long runs broke late in the game were a result of akron being tired.
- shitty short passes. I hope these are just the result of being careful early in the season but they were pretty much awful all game. The short dump off to Nicol isn't going anywhere and it's not going to go anywhere all season. Brandon Saine made a great catch on a throw that could have gotten him killed.
- Todd Boeckman's arm strength. I was concerned about this last week and am now even more concerned. 2 picks on terribly underthown balls, this is not a good habit.
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